The Friends of the Lee County Library are planning a Book Sale on Friday April 16th and Saturday April 17th. The hours will be 4:00 – 8:00 on Friday and 10:00 – 4:00 on Saturday. The Book Sale will be held at the Library Annex.
As a special treat during the book sale, we are thrilled to announce that Mr. Jack Bass will be holding a book signing on Friday night. . Mr. Bass is the author of the definitive biography of Strom Thurmond. He has recently published The Palmetto State, The Making of Modern South Carolina. This book promises to become a classic. It also serves as a valuable point of entry for inquiries into the state’s diverse and complex heritage.
The Friends of the Lee County Library are also conducting their annual membership drive. By joining the Friends you help support the Lee County Library and its many worthwhile projects. Each day the Library offers citizens help with resumes and job searches, we offer training in software and conduct classes – not to mention just the general reference help, the printing and copying services and the ever needed homework help. Please support the Friends of the Lee County Library by joining. We hope to see you at the Book Sale!