Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It takes a village.

We Love all our patrons - but Mr. Dixon is very special. Every week he brings us a pound cake. (How Great is that??) Mr. Dixon is a dedicated gentleman and his greatest interest is to return prayer to the schools.

He has a kind soul and is always so sweet to us. He lifts our spirits with his kind word.

Thanks Rev.

It takes a village....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Breaking News.........

We will commence opening on Saturdays starting September 12th. So, we will be open each Saturday from 9:00 AM to 3PM starting on that date. We are extremely happy to offer this additional service. We were saddened when we had to stop our weekend hours due to budget cuts. During the summer it was logistically impossible to keep open on the weekend - but now that Summer Reading program has concluded we can adjust staff around to fill the void. So, make sure to come down and visit on Saturday starting September 12th.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Its All good........

It's ALL good this fall around the Library, (Thats the way we like it!!!) We are planning arts and crafts programs and senior fitness classes using our Wii.

Stop in to see us to get all the details.

Moving on....

I just added a Lee County Library Fan page to Facebook. It's attached to my profile so swing on over and become a fan.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

it takes a village......

The Lee County Library would be lost without the help of our volunteers. Zack Medlin is one of our most talented and loyal vollies!!! He always brings a smile and happy attitude when we ask him (many MANY times) to fix, adjust and install items for the Library.

Special thanks to Zack and all the people who help us maintain the Library!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Divorce Workshop

We are partnering with SC Legal Services to offer a "Divorce Workshop" on Thursday August 27 at 3:00PM.

This workshop is free, but you must register to attend. Please call 888.799.9668 to register.

Our able intern Breon......

Our intern Breon Stephens got a GREAT write up last Saturday in the Sumter Daily Item. Special thanks to Randy Burns for his continued coverage.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Been awhile......

it's been a super busy summer, so the old blog has suffered from attention deficit (Mine!) We will get everything up to speed and back on track. Thanks for your patience.

This month's "Read @ Your Library" poster features Omeka Benjamin and her children Destiny and Marcus. The entire Benjamin family are "frequent flyers" here at the Lee County Library.

Thanks for the participation