Saturday, January 30, 2010

Words to live by!!

I attended the PLAD (Public Library Appreciation Day) at the South Carolina State house on Wednesday January 27th. Librarians from all over the state came together to impress upon the State Legislators the importance of libraries to the citizens of the state.

I am writing this on Saturday. We are fortunate to be open on Saturdays since we lost one librarian during the last round of budget cuts. It is because the librarians rallied and shifted around that we are able to open on Saturdays.

Today is cold, cold, cold and very rainy. So far today I have helped a patron set up a Facebook page, another an e-mail account as well as handing out tax forms, answering questions and helping a high school kid get enrolled in extra credit classes.

Not to mention the six homeless guys we give shelter to on bad days.

Where will the homeless guys be tomorrow - I don't know - because of the budget cuts we can no longer open on Sundays.

At PLAD, SC Library Director David Goble called the state librarians "first responders." How right he is! We are on the front line of information technology for most of our citizens. We help with resumes, help with job searches, offer training in software - not to mention just the general reference questions printing/copying services and homework help..

Take the time to contact your state legislators. It is important for them to know how valuable your library is to you. We are here for you when you need us - please try to be here for us now!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Budget Cuts to Affect us all

Libraries have received major state and county budget cuts because of the economic downturn.

****State aid has been cut 41% in two years from $2.25 per capita to $1.32 per capita.

****Similar revenue cuts, sometimes harsher. have come from local counties.

As money is dwindling, ironically, libraries face record-breaking, double -digit increases in the demand for service. (Also a result of the economy.

Libraries are often the only resource available in a community to help people laid off, displaced, furloughed or desperate for assistance.

It is up to you to contact your state and county representatives to help protect this valuable resource. The Library is always here when you need us - now we need you to be with us when we need YOU!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Lowcountry 3 Book Club: The Help (pt 1) | WSAV

Check out the link - will take you to the video of the WSAV book club with Holly Bounds and Amanda Brewer. LC Library hopes to be participating soon!!

My Lowcountry 3 Book Club: The Help (pt 1) | WSAV

Friday, January 8, 2010

Catchin' some Z's..........

One of our favorite patrons taking a little nap in the reading area.

Reading Rooster Recommends January 8 2010

Thanks to our friends at the State Library.

Welcome to 2010

Between holidays and vacations, it has been awhile since the Lee County Library posted to the blog. But, we're baaaack!!

What's new? Well, we will be having a Valentines Day raffle to benefit the "Care Center" in Bishopville. To enter the raffle you only have to bring non-perishable food products to donate. We will be posting a picture of the prize once your blogette gets her camera working.

We will have lotso new programs for children and young adults.

We are trying to organize a on-line book club in partnership with Beaufort County Lilbrary and WSAV television in Savannah. This could be totally cool, and I hope we can pull it off. First book is "The Help"

Our new year resolution - keeping up with the Blog!!!!