That was exactly what Brenda and I and about 60 summer readers did last Friday when we kicked off our 2012 Summer Reading Program at the park. We had SO much fun and, as usual, learned a little more about our natural world with the help of Park Ranger Laura Kirk. Ranger Kirk did a presentation informing the crowd that it is illegal to pick leaves off the trees at the park. (Hmmmmm, didn’t know that!) Then she showed everyone how to make leaf rubbings from the leaves she provided. (Trained professionals can get leaves legally. Who knew?) Everybody made their leaf rubbings and then Ranger Laura laminated the sheets of paper. The readers then cut out the leave shape and voila: a bookmark is made. This was one of the neatest projects we have done in a long time! Everybody had a great time and I think the parents had more fun than the kids.
We all then retired to the shed for lunch. Brenda cooked up some hotdogs and we all had lunch. After lunch was a nature walk and then a marshmallow roast. The marshmallow roast was in jeopardy because all the wood was so wet from the recent rains, but Ranger Laura once again came to the rescue and had a great little fire going in the grill. All in all the day was a wonderful way to start the 2012 Summer Reading program! If you have not been to the Lee State Park recently you should make an attempt to get out there. It is a lovely area right here in our own back yard and available to everyone for free.
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