Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Community Outreach.........

Librarians Brenda and Elizabeth went out for a "Parent Chat" at the Bishopville Primary School this morning. Also attending was Darlas C. Moore from Clemson 4-H, Alan Watkins Director of LC Parks and Recreation and Mary Randall, Principal of BPS.

The LC Library is partnering with Clemson and Parks and Rec during the "Summer Reading Program" and this community chat gave us all an opportunity to reach out and touch our patron base. The parents were very excited with all activities offered this summer by our organizations. We're pretty excited too!!

1 comment:

Father Love said...

I love the Bishopville Library crew! I once didnt believe in cloning but now I believe that the Bishopville Library crew should be cloned and sent to all of the libraries in the United States...and the world! haha Did I mention that I freakin Love the Bishopville Library crew????