It was a delicious bright blue October day last Saturday. Out at the Grammar School Park, though, it was all witches, princesses, a Chucky or two and various ghouls and goblins! That’s because the Lee County Library and the Lee County Chamber of Commerce were hosting the first annual Halloween Festival Community Day.
We had a great turn out and want to thank the community and the organizations that came out and supported us. An especially big shout out goes to the Lee County School District’s Building Bridges Americorp team who arrived with 12 students to help organize and assist Chamber Director Pam Kelley and Librarians Brenda Brisbon and Elizabeth Snyder Powell. Because of their help the activities flowed smoothly.
The first event was the Halloween Costume Contest. The library has been hosting this for years at the library but this year it was fun to have it outdoors in the warm October sun. We had about 50-60 entrants and all of them showed creativity and imagination in their various costumes. The winners were:
Most Original .................. Nicholas Dolen
Scariest ......................Cole Huggins
Best over all .................Preston and Christian Seeby
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