For the past three years the Lee County Library has won the statewide photo contest held each year during Library Week. For three years we have won the Best Overall, Most Humorous and gotten three honorable mentions. These contests are sponsored by the South Carolina State Library and all the county libraries compete. Our photos have been published in both state and national publications.
This year, during the South Carolina Library Association annual meeting in October we were awarded not one, but two Presidential Citations to honor these achievements. Because it is a statewide competition to win top honors for three years is quite an accomplishment. We were thrilled by the recognition and thank the SCLA for the honor.
“I was so surprised and shocked when they called me up the second time that I didn’t know what to say,” Director Dawn Ellen said, “I just sort of stammered ‘thank you’ and ran off the stage!”
We also thank our patrons who allow librarian Elizabeth the chance to take their picture. All of our photos are candid shots and with them we try to portray our library in it’s true light – as a community meeting place where curiosity is welcomed and encouraged.
So what were the winning photos??? Thanks!
you can find all of our winning photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/leecountypubliclibrary/sets/72157623945445342/
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